
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is unavailable, but you can change that!

A defining work on the believer's reception of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Torrey's study gives “a view of this wondrous blessing that is perfectly clear and remarkably definite.” From his clear definition of the nature of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, how this is possible and obtained in our lives, to the maintenance and our ability to disconnect from this union, Torrey's study provides...

and in Luke 24:49 as “the promise of my Father,” and “endued power from on high.” By a comparison of Acts 10:44, 45, 47 with Acts 11:15, 16, we find that the expressions “the Holy Spirit fell on them” and “the gift of the Holy Ghost,” and “received the Holy Ghost” are all equivalent to “baptized with the Holy Ghost.” 2. We find in the next place, that the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a definite experience of which one may know whether he has received it or not. This is evident from our Savior’s
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